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Choose the account that is right for you

Group 82917@2x-2

Whether you are looking for simplified Clients’ Funds Trust Account (IOLTA / IOLA) management, business checking management or both, we have you covered. Our Nota customer success specialists are here to assist with virtual account opening and will get you up and running on the platform.

green_check_icon (1) M&T Business Checking
green_check_icon (1) Clients’ Funds Trust Account (IOLTA / IOLA)
green_check_icon (1) Check out pricing here


Added value at no extra cost

Business checking management



Category tagging

Set up custom categories to track income
and expenses

Group 82919@2x

Category reporting

See the breakdown of income and expenses by category

Group 82918@2x

Check register

Log outstanding checks in a digital check register

wire page


$16.50 fee to initiate outbound wire transfers from within a Nota client matter. All outgoing wires initiated out of Nota (up to 1M) and at an M&T Branch (up to 2M). Refer to disclosures for more information.

Trust account management


Group 82939@2x

Digital client sub-accounts

Create and track client matters


Custom transaction notes

Notate transactions so you can see what they are for

Group 82937@2x

Check printing

Print professional business checks

wire transfers


$16.50 fee to initiate outbound wire transfers from within a Nota client matter. All outgoing wires initiated out of Nota (up to 1M) and at an M&T Branch (up to 2M). Refer to disclosures for more information.

Bell icon

Custom alerts

Get notified for untagged transactions and cleared checks

Group 82941@2x

3-way reconciliation report

See the balancing of your adjusted trust, Nota client ledger and book balances

Group 82942@2x

7-year digital paper trail

Enjoy peace of mind

Optimize your workflows and efficiency

Nota works in collaboration with major practice management, legal payment and accounting platforms to minimize time spent working from two systems


Clio® - Map client matters from Clio to Nota with the click of a button

Clio Client Matters - Clio Matters All – 3@2x


Rely on law firm banking experts


Nota’s customer success specialists are real people ready to help with all your banking needs. Supporting only attorneys, they are experienced in the tools, requirements and workflows of law firms.

green_check_icon (1)  Dedicated point of contact for banking and Nota platform questions

green_check_icon (1)  Human-powered chat support

green_check_icon (1)  Customized implementation and training


Learn More
Mask Group 6@2x

Have questions?

Call 1-800-724-1313 or email info@trustnota.com